New Zealand's capital, also called Windy Welly because of the strong winds, has more cafès per inhabitant than New York and an authentic lifestyle.  Here is a portrait of a city that celebrats poetry and coziness

New Zealand's capital, also called Windy Welly because of the strong winds, has more cafès per inhabitant than New York and an authentic lifestyle.  Here is a portrait of a city that celebrats poetry and coziness

 New Zealand's capital, also called Windy Welly because of the strong winds, has more cafès per inhabitant than New York and an authentic lifestyle.  Here is a portrait of a city that celebrats poetry and coziness

New Zealand's capital, also called Windy Welly because of the strong winds, has more cafès per inhabitant than New York and an authentic lifestyle.  Here is a portrait of a city that celebrats poetry and coziness

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